30 Days of Truth: Day EIGHT - Someone who has made my life hell or treated me like shit. Natasha ChiamJanuary 23, 201130 Days of Truth, hell, mistreated, self-esteem Comments
I'm in recovery mode. Natasha ChiamJanuary 15, 2011healing, Hip, injury, Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis, prosthetic hip, Yoga Comments
The Breastfeeding Witch Hunt-What the heck is going on?? breastfeedingNatasha ChiamJanuary 10, 2011Breastfeeding, discrimination, Facebook, Mother, Nursing, nursing in public, pictures, The New York Times Comments
Parenting and the things that never occured to me. motherhoodNatasha ChiamJanuary 4, 2011babies, Babywearing, Breastfeeding, Kangaroo care, mothering, Nurse, parenting Comments