FREELANCE WRITEr and DIGITAL content editor
I live in Edmonton, Alberta, with my husband, two teenagers and our mini schnauzer, Chopper.
In 2008 I started a blog called NaturalUrbanMamas to go along with the online babywearing shop I owned. The boutique closed in 2012, but I continued to write and rebranded the blog to The Stay at Home Feminist. Although my babywearing posts were still popular, I broadened my scope, and started writing about parenting, politics, social justice, and sustainable living. In 2018, I began consulting with local small businesses who needed help managing their digital communication strategies and social media. Now, after a few years of part-time writing, consulting, recovering from a variety of joint surgeries, and that pandemic thing, I am working as a freelance writer and digital content editor.
A few more things to know about me:
I’ve had juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis for more than 30 years. Because of this, I have two metal hips, two metal knees, and a lot of experience with an “invisible” chronic disease. Airports are a blast when travelling with me!
I’m an Enneagram Two - the Helper. I am always up for offering practical advice and suggestions, and trying to make a difference in other’s lives. The best way I know how to do that is with my writing, and by being a genuine life/shopping/where to find (insert thing here) concierge for my communities, both online and in real life.
I am a very good shopper and stylist. VERY. GOOD. I’ve met some of my best friends through shopping at their stores!
I own a somewhat ridiculous amount of jumpsuits and houseplants. I blame the pandemic for both.
And finally, in my heart of hearts, I am a Professional Enthusiast, it is my mission in life to hype-up and share all the good I find in this world.
Photography by Lindsay Mills