Cookies before dinner. family, kids, Life Lessons Learned, my life, parenting, social mediaNatasha ChiamApril 11, 2013attachment theory, Gordon Neufeld, Hold on to Your Kids, kids in a digital world, parenting Comments
one year later. After the Mirena break up. healthful living, my life, PersonalNatasha ChiamApril 5, 2013Mirena crash, Mirena IUD, mirena IUD side effects, side-effects of mirena Comments
the ordinary life of a {closet} loner family, Just because, Life Lessons Learned, motherhood, my life, NaturalUrbanHome, PersonalNatasha ChiamApril 1, 2013Brene Brown, fear, stay at home mom, vulnerability Comments
#40SilverLinings: Happy Easter! family, kids, Life Lessons Learned, Lists, my life, PersonalNatasha ChiamMarch 31, 2013#40silverlinings, Happy Easter-, lentComment
When the landscape changes, so must we feminism, Life Lessons Learned, politicsNatasha ChiamMarch 29, 2013Barbara Amiel, censorship, feminism, personal liberties, rape culture, sexual harassment, sexual landscape, Steubenville rapeComment
An interview with Lesléa Newman: Feminism, diversity, freedom family, feminism, marriage, politicsNatasha ChiamMarch 24, 2013activist, feminism, human rights, lesbian, leslea newman Comments
430,000.00 Silver Linings healthful living, my life, social mediaNatasha ChiamMarch 23, 2013#40silverlinings, #bamyeg, Breast cancer, Bust a Move Edmonton, Richard SimmonsComment