

writer :: feminist :: mother

But, but, but....

I was supposed to write a different post tonight. {Sorry Z, I decided that I wanted to think on that one a bit more.} Instead, you are going to get a look at the emotional turmoil that is a mother more than half-way through summer holidays, about to send not just one, but both of her babies off to school in less than three weeks!

Here we go...


I  am anxious for summer to be over and to get back to the routine of the school year


I don't want summer to end, because we haven't done all that I had planned for us yet.


I love our carefree days and NOT having to live by a schedule


I miss MY schedule and any time for just me.


I want to have crazy summer nights out with my girlfriends


My evenings are the only time I get alone with Natural Urban Dad.


At the end of our days, I am touched out, talked out, and I need a time-out


At the end of our days, all I want is to cuddle them as they fall asleep,

breath in their just-bathed smell and memorize every small detail of them at that very moment.


I want Summer to be over.

I want Summer to never end.


I want them to grow up.

I want them to stay like this forever.






Day 15 of the Summer Blog Challenge!!


Go! See my friends. Comments and sharing is nice too!

Zita at The Dulock Diaries.

Meaghan at MagzD Life

April at This Mom’s Got Something to Say

Aramelle at One Wheeler’s World

 Jessica at 2plus2X2

and Liam at In the Now