

writer :: feminist :: mother

Just ask the Tweety-box!

There are days when I really do turn to Twitter to make decisions.  {Please tell me I am not the only one who does this!} Today was one of those days.

I was in Chapter's with the kids, picking up a last minute birthday present and a much needed soy latte at the attached Starbuck's and I decided that I wanted a new book as well. Yes, I still read and purchase actual books. I like the feel and smell of words on real paper. And finishing that last page in a book feels like an accomplishment to me, and maybe especially so now that I don't do as much novel reading as I used to pre-children!

So I sent out this tweet. (Please excuse the typo!)

And the Twitterverse answered!

I now have the following list of books recommended by people I like, whose opinions I trust and whom I follow on Twitter!

It's like the Ultimate Book Club!

And since a few of you may want in on these suggestions, I thought I would post them all in one place.

1. Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

2. The Fault of our Stars by John Green

3. Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart

4. Tiny Beautiful Things  by Cheryl Strayed

5. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn  {This is the one I decided on for today. Thank you @CoffeewithJulie for being the first to respond to my tweet!}

6. The Alienist by Caleb Carr

5. A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry (I have tried this one before and couldn't do it, I may just have to give it a go again.)

6. Life of Pi  by Yann Martel (Same as above and since I do like to read books BEFORE I see movie remakes of them, I'll try this again too.)

7. The Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman (My second choice today and I think I may go back for it.)

8. And a great suggestion for the kids, True Story, from local writer Marty Chan. This really is a great book (we already have it!) and I highly recommend it as a gift or just to add to your kid's book collection!

Thank you to all who responded and gave me their book suggestions. It seems that along with doing this Summer Blog Challenge, I know have a little Summer Reading Challenge to do as well! And this list does not include the book that I have to read for next week for my ACTUAL book club. (PS-Does anyone have an extra copy of Diana Gabaldon's Outlander lying around? It has been a few years and I may need a bit of a refresher course on Jamie and Claire!

Anywho.... I am off to start Gone Girl before I hit the hay.

Happy Reading Everyone!



This is Day 14 of the Summer Blog Challenge and I am giving you even more things to read! Sheesh!

You know the drill, visit the others doing this crazee thing called writing and follow along....

Zita at The Dulock Diaries.

Meaghan at MagzD Life

April at This Mom’s Got Something to Say

Aramelle at One Wheeler’s World

 Jessica at 2plus2X2

and Liam at In the Now