

writer :: feminist :: mother

Tired and dirty

I am so tired. Ridiculous, can't keep my eyes open, can't think straight tired.

And I am not the only one.

Little C woke up at 7:30 AM, went back to bed, woke up an hour later and is now back in bed sleeping again.

Looks like some kind of bug may be hitting our house or maybe our long days in the sun are catching up to us.

Either way, today is turning out to be a stay at home, watch movies and maybe bake something kind of day.

It is also the day that landscaping starts at the Natural Urban Home and I have been jokingly refering to my street at #hysterialane on Twitter because of all the cutie patootie young men who are topless and working up a nice sweat in my yard and will be doing so for the next few weeks!

If anyone wants to bring over a thermos of sangria and help me 'supervise' from the deck, just let me know.




This is technically yesterday's post. Day 16 of the Summer Blog Challenge. I was just too damn tired to post it last night.

Please visit the healthier and less dirty old lady posts from the other challenge participants!

Zita at The Dulock Diaries.

Meaghan at MagzD Life

April at This Mom’s Got Something to Say

Aramelle at One Wheeler’s World

 Jessica at 2plus2X2

and Liam at In the Now