

writer :: feminist :: mother

One month later....

December was a weird month for me. I had days of feeling complete and utter joy, followed by days of WHAT the HELL is going on?

The internet and the things that I concern myself while on it were making me feel... essentially, NOT good.

So I took a bit of a break. It wasn't really an intentional one, but in the end, it was one that I needed.

I have a lot more to say about all of it and what 2014 holds for me, but it's midnight and I'd like to get to bed.

I'll leave you with the beginnings of one of the projects I am participating in...

The #365feministselfie challenge! Veronica at Viva La Feminista came up with this brilliant idea and she has inspired women all over the world to take up the challenge. Won't you join us?

I am posting my daily selfies primarily to my Instagram account, but will do a weekly or monthly update here too.

Here I am this past week. Filters, no filters, waking up 42, folding laundry, making out with my fake chef boyfriend, "cleaning" my desk and intensely embracing my soccer-mom role, oh, and yes, the one with me in my 'kicky' new apron too.  This is not your mama's feminism folks!


Goodnight my lovelies,
