

writer :: feminist :: mother

{literally} made for me....

In case you haven't quite figured it out...I have a slight addiction.

And no, it is not Twitter!

Hello, My name is Natasha and I am addicted to Babywearing.

And baby carriers. Lots and lots of baby carriers!

And lately, my addiction is all about woven wrap baby carriers

So when I got a call a few weeks ago from a mama offering to MAKE me a woven wrap in my Natural Urban Mamas colors, I JUMPED at it!

And not only was it going to be made just for me, this magical wrap weaving just happens to be going on right here in my very own backyard in central Alberta!! More reasons to be super thrilled about this!  The fabulous mama duo who are making these amazing baby carriers one by one do it so that each one is made "with the wisdom of motherhood woven into every thread"!

Becky, the owner of Uppymama, had to special order one of the green threads in to match the carrier to my logo and I told her to surprise me with the design. She sent me this picture while the wrap was still on the loom! How cool is that!!

I picked up my Uppymama carrier last week and I was not disappointed in the least. It IS so awesome!! (Yes, I am having a total babywearing geek-out!)

The colors are PERFECT!!


I can't believe how soft it is too! I spent the first night wearing it as a shawl while I was curled up on the couch watching TV!

I tried each of the kids in it for a few minutes around the house and this past weekend we took it for the ultimate 'test drive', a two-hour walk with a 32 pound toddler on my back to and from the off-leash dog park by our house.

And it was amazing!

Sturdy, supportive, and with just the right amount of slip for easy wrapping. No pressure points anywhere on me or on the kids and just so damn soft!!  This is definitely a thicker wrap than what I am used to (my lovely Dolcino Bali and beautiful Chimparoo Sol), but I really like it and I know I will appreciate the thickness more as the weather starts to turn more fall-like around here.

Natural Urban Dad even had to get in on the custom wrap action (mostly because the Princess insisted on going on Daddy's back!) and seriously people... My man can rock a wrap like no ones business!!

Our lovely Uppymama custom wrap is going into our demo carrier rotation and will mostly be used as a teaching wrap during our workshops and consultations. It is perfect for this for a few reasons. The ladies designed it so that each rail (edge) of the wrap is a different color and therefore easy to keep track of when wrapping. And I beleive the thickness will really help with getting people to understand the importance and get the right amount of tightness when wrapping and tying a woven wrap.

If you are interested in getting your own custom wrap from Uppymama, you can definitely do so, just be prepared for a wait! Their customs list is backed up into late October! And please remember to tell them that I sent you!!

Happy Babywearing Everyone!
