

writer :: feminist :: mother

What I believe...

I believe that in order to be a star, you have to shine your light on others. I believe that what you put out to the world comes back to you three-fold (good and bad).

I believe that we all have a purpose. Some of us are better than others at uncovering what exactly that is.

I believe that like attracts like, on a very DEEP level.

I believe in the power of connections through word of mouth and personal experiences.

I believe in being passionate about life, love and work.

I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt, even if I do end up getting burned.

I believe in collaboration and cooperation, not competition. (Although I do like a well-deserved WIN!)

I believe that ALL things in our lives happen for a reason. (Not the first time I have said this.)

I believe in taking a leap of faith, making the first move and going for it. (Even though I always think I am going to totally pee my pants right before I actually DO anything!)

And every time I look at THIS picture of myself,

I feel incredible and BELIEVE that I can DO anything!

This photo is my professional head shot. It was taken last summer, by the ever so talented Linda Patterson of Timeless Edge Photography.

Linda has a gift. She also believes passionately in her purpose as a photographer and story-teller.  And she gets goosebumps when she takes the perfect shot.  And quite frankly people, if she can make one dawg-tired mama look this good, it is a seriously awesome gift!

This picture of me is EVERYWHERE. My website, my facebook page, twitter, here on the blog, you name it!

It is my mark, my signature, my way of saying 'Hey there, this is ME!' to everyone in the ever-expanding world of Social Media. And it is very important to have an image like this that truly reflects who YOU are in this online world.

To that end, Linda is offering a fabulous deal to local Edmonton men and women who NEED to get a really good or a new and updated head shot/avatar/Gravatar/profile picture. Trust me people, it does make a difference!

It was not until I changed my profile picture on 'the tweeter' to the above picture of myself, that the venerable and oh, so awesome @unmarketing, Mr. Scott Stratten himself, started following me!

So, take the leap and go for it. Get your head shots done with Linda this month and trust me, you won't be disappointed.

And who knows what kind of increased and fabulous following you will soon be enjoying!!!






I also believe in the power of Social Media!!

Night all,
