Welcome to My (new-ish) Corner of the Internet.
I’m writing from Day 4 (or 5) of Social Isolation/Distancing during the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020.
I am currently at home all day with an 11 year old and a 13 year old.
I work from home most of the time, so this does not feel like a big deal for me (yet). But these tween/teens just want to eat all day long and are always on a device and when I say enough, then they are bored every 10 minutes and I refuse to be a short order cook and their sole source of entertainment ideas during this time. (I swear, it’s like they are toddlers again - without the naps!)
Also, it’s almost 3 PM here and I just told them it might be time to have some lunch.
How is it going for everyone else? Share your social isolation/”stay the eff at home” survival tips and tricks with all of us in the comments!
In the meantime, I do have a couple of announcements:
1 - As you may have noticed, the name of my blog has changed. It’s no longer The Stay at Home Feminist. I mean, yes, I still stay home quite a bit and yes, of course I am and always will be a feminist, I just felt like it was time to be ME online. So…. this blog is now called Natasha Chiam Writes.
2 - Also, about a year ago I started a consulting business. I have been doing social media consulting and management for a handful of clients, as well as some web and copy writing, and a bit of personal styling as well. I am finally making the business officially official with its own dedicated website. You can now find Natasha Chiam Consulting at NatashaChiam.Works. (A big thank you and shout out to Elan Morgan for all her work designing both of my sites to reflect all these changes!)
I know the next few weeks and maybe months are going to be hard. But just remember, we survived the #zombiemom years and that shit made us resilient AF! WE CAN DO THIS. Also, never before have I been happier to have this little corner of the internet to be able to communicate with so many people all over the world. We need to keep all these lines of communication and connection open and flowing now more than ever. I know it’s not the same as IRL, but remember how many friendships and relationships we’ve forged through these platforms alone and how many great ways we can connect now that we didn’t have 10 years ago… Hello, NETFLIX Party anyone??
It has suddenly gotten eerily quiet around here, so I’d better go see what’s up. Here’s hoping my kids have discovered napping again…