full of thanks
In the spirit of American Thanksgiving (or you know, the cultural genocide of a whole indigenous people WHO WERE THERE FIRST DAMMIT!), here are a few things I am thankful for this week:
I love my bedroom so much! #myliteralhappyplace
Clean sheet day combined with new duvet cover day! I can’t wait to go to bed.
Spending about $100 less than usual on groceries because I went to the Real Canadian Wholesale Club for the first time tonight and I think it may be my new favourite place for food shopping because they also have other cool things like mega packs of post-it notes and more vegan options than Costco and both my other regular stores!
Buying well made clothing from local companies like Gus Sloan, because Lauren is amazing and she let me come and try on all the LBJs (Little Black Jumpsuits) until I found the perfect one for me! Pics to come shortly - because I am short and needed it hemmed! Until then, check out her website and if you are on the hunt for an easy to dress up outfit for all those upcoming holiday parties, the Limited Edition Holiday LBJ is the perfect solution to this problem!
All the Black Friday emails from every list or shop or whatever-have-you I have ever subscribed to - BECAUSE I AM UNSUBSCRIBING FROM IT ALL ON SATURDAY!
A solid plan for Christmas celebrations with both of our families, that includes everyone and, fingers crossed, keeps everyone happy! (Now to get a certain someone on board with my need for a new “upstairs” tree! I’ve got my eye on something like this!)
This one from Michael’s would be PERFECT!
Now, I hope all your dinners went off without too may hitches, no one got into a fist fight over politics, you hugged and laughed and loved all of your peoples, and everyone realized how very fortunate we are to have the things we have (food, shelter, loved ones).
Now, I am off to that gorgeous bed to snuggle my gorgeous partner and sleep a glorious sleep!
I’m taking part in National Blog Posting Month, which means I’m posting on this blog {almost} every day throughout November. You can follow along and see who else is posting this month by checking out these hashtags on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter: #NetPositiveBlog and #NaBloPoMo.