

writer :: feminist :: mother

Musical Decades

I am sure this would make a fun Facebook pass-around game/meme, but I decided to do it here instead.

Also, I got the idea from this book that's been sitting on my shelf for a few years. I knew it would eventually come in handy!


Here it is...

Each decade of my life represented by a pop song, artist or album.


Decade One, 1972-1982:

ABBA Greatest Hits Vol. 2

My mom had (technically, still has) this humongous record player and I am 98% sure that ABBA's 1979 compilation album was the first record I ever heard. By the age of eight, I could sing every single song on that album. And yes, Dancing Queen was, and still is my favourite track. 

Decade Two, 1982-1992:

Michael Jackson, Thriller

There had to be two here, I mean, really we are talking from age 10 to 20, and that's a LONG time in one's life. This first one is kind of a DUH! I mean, seriously, what child of the eighties did not have this album, did not know MJ's Thriller dance off by heart (or in my case, also the Beat It dance, and the Billie Jean dance), and did not know how to moon-walk? To this day, I will break out in a few iconic MJ moves whenever anything from Thriller comes on, and I am proud to say that my kids excitedly "name that tune", whenever they hear a Michael Jackson song. 

followed very closely by

u2, the joshua tree

My BFF in high school introduced me to U2 in 1985 and this started a long-lived love affair with the band, and a GINORMOUS CRUSH on Larry Mullen Jr. for most of my teenage and young adult life. The Joshua Tree is still my favourite U2 Album of all time.


Decade Three, 1992-2002:

No Doubt, Tragic Kingdom 

I know, I know... so cliché, right? These were my GRRRL Power years, without me having discovered the Riot Grrl scene at all. I don't think I knew it at the time, but Just a Girl might have been the song that first stirred the wee feminist in me. Alanis Morrissette's You Outta Know was particularly poignant at the time as well. I think I heard it right after a rather nasty break up. Also, I smoked a fair amount of pot and sniffed a lot of poppers in the nineties and may have been really into Moby and rave music at one point. 


Decade Four, 2002-2012:

Snow Patrol, Chasing Cars

I fully and completely blame Shonda Rhimes and Grey's Anatomy for me simultaneously loving and hating this song. DAMN IT WHY DID DENNY HAVE TO DIE!??!! OMG! and Christina and Burke...

Oh my heart :( 

That's all I have to say about that. I am too emotional now. 


Decade Five, 2012 - Present...

I can say Beyoncé's Lemonade right? Cause I am pretty sure nothing is going to live up to how amazing this whole visual album is for a VERY LONG time. 



Ok, that was fun, now it's your turn. Share this wherever you want and let me know what your album/songs per decade are and what they say about you. 


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