

writer :: feminist :: mother


It seems I have been hit with an early Spring Cleaning bug. This week I finally cleaned up and organized the laundry room and unpacked the few remaining boxes that had migrated there for lack of a better place. I now can actually see and use the counter-top that is in there and even managed to organize the drawers with all the kids crafting supplies.

Today I tackled the next room and cleaned and de-cluttered my half of our joint office and my desk. And yes, it took me the better part of the day!


While I was cleaning and purging and shredding A LOT of papers, this is what I found:

  •  $70.00 worth of Chapters/indigo gift cards.
  •  A $25.oo gift card for Superstore.
  •  A $150.00 gift certificate for Cosafina (a home decor store here in Edmonton).


  •  Not one, but TWO gift certificates for a one-hour massage!!

All in all, I'd say that this is not too bad for a days work and a definite silver lining for today (#8).

Now to just figure out what I want to put on that very bare wall that I am staring at all day???

My Office


Any suggestions?
