

writer :: feminist :: mother

A thank you to the ladies

This is for all the women in my life who inspire me. Who amaze me daily and who I am so proud to know and call friend, confidante, family, bestie, partner and more...

1. To the woman who finally realized her worth and although I can't even imagine how much this hurts, took the first steps to getting out of an unhappy situation. I am proud of you and am here for you always.

2. To the two women I call my best friends. Both with three children each, one working full-time with travel time away from her family, the other completely devoted to her role as a stay-at-home mama. You have both taught me so much about letting go, holding on, making the most of these moments and living life as a mother, a woman and a friend. Thank you both from the bottom of my heart.

3. To my Godmother. May your wish be granted soon, so that you can be together again forever and ever. No truer love story do I know than yours. Gros Bisous!

4. To my mothers. To my own for always showing me what it means to love unconditionally, without reservation or judgment and to give with a whole heart. To my husband's for accepting me for who I am and for learning from me as much as I do from her. (There is correlation here... I know it!)

5. To the women who are my 'posse'. My late night tweeters and play date meet-ers. The women who make me laugh, who share recipes for food, love and daily survival and who are my fabulous #MountainAshBeeches! This life would be so boring without you!

6. To the women who are gone but not forgotten. The ones who moved far away, the ones who are not far away but whose lives took paths away from mine, and the ones who are no longer with us in this world. Thank you for all that you did to shape and mould me, to teach me, to challenge me, to take me outside my box and make me take a good hard look at myself.  I am who I am today because I knew you once upon a time and because of the life lessons I gleaned from you along the way.

7. To my daughter. For that look in  your eye that tells me THIS is going to be one hell of a ride. And that Karma has no better embodiment in the world than a daughter who is JUST LIKE YOU!

I Love you ALL,



Post 26 on Day 27 of the Summer Blog Challenge.

So close... just a few more days (+1)!!

Keep it up everyone!

Zita at The Dulock Diaries.

Meaghan at MagzD Life

April at This Mom’s Got Something to Say

Aramelle at One Wheeler’s World

 Jessica at 2plus2X2

and Liam at In the Now