this I can make PERFECTLY every time! and so can you... — Natasha Chiam


writer :: feminist :: mother

this I can make PERFECTLY every time! and so can you...

I have what I think is probably THE easiest and BEST chocolate cake recipe known to man. If you have ever been to one of my kid's birthday parties, you will know what I am talking about. Now, I can't claim any part in creating this recipe and I am not exactly sure how far it goes back. It came to me from my best friend, who got it from her mother, who may have gotten it from her mother as well.

It is called 'Wacky Chocolate Cake' and goes like this.

(These measurements are enough for ONE 8" square or round pan)

1.5 cups of FLOUR

1 cup of SUGAR

3 tablespoons (TBSP) of COCOA

1 teaspoon (tsp) of BAKING SODA

0.5 teaspoon (tsp) of SALT

1 tablespoon (TBSP) of VINEGAR

1 teaspoon (tsp) of VANILLA

6 tablespoons (TBSP) of melted BUTTER

1 cup of COLD WATER


Mix your dry ingredients well.

Make three holes in the dry mix and put the VINEGAR, VANILLA and BUTTER each in their own hole. (I think this is the part that makes it Wacky!!)

Pour cold water over all of it and stir it up well.

Put into baking container of your choice (I always like to grease my pans and also line with parchment paper)

And BAKE at 350 degrees F for 25 minutes.


These are a few of the creations I have made with this recipe over the years! I like to use a nice buttercream icing for my cakes and decorate with rolled and cut fondant.



P.S. I am making this cake again tonight for Natural Urban Dad's birthday tomorrow. He is the one who usually gets the Super Hero cakes and the kids have suggested Batman this year!