

writer :: feminist :: mother

Where I ended up.

In the past two days... I have had one kid with diarrhea and a bad attitude (and I am not sure which is worse!!).

One kid who woke up in the middle of the night and puked her guts out and everywhere (I found even more of it today!).

One bout of something nasty myself.

One fight with a friend.

And one more thing added to my plate that already looks like this.

I know I crapped out on a post for yesterday, but it just was not in me AT ALL.  And I am squeaking this one in tonight because the plan was to get out of the house, go to Starbucks and write something profound and meaningful.

What actually happened was that I left the house, got in the car, had full intentions of sitting down in a quiet corner, having a nice chai tea latte and pounding out a great post....

...and then somehow I ended up at D'lish Wine Bar drinking wine and eating yummy food with the lovely Amanda Babichuk and Steven Hodges and a few other really awesome new friends.

And it was just what I needed.

Thank you lovelies!

And tomorrow is another day....

Hopefully one without any gastrointestinal issues or 'seconds' of any kind!!

Cheers y'all!
