

writer :: feminist :: mother

Schedule, Schmedule!!

I am in full on panic mode.

In three weeks time, BOTH of my babies will be in playschool!

Last year when I was thinking about this it seemed like a no brainer. Lil' C would be in the 4 year old program at our amazing playschool and Princess L would go into the 3 year old program. And I would have 2 mornings a week all to myself!!

Heaven right!?

I am not so sure anymore.

As I sit here and work on what our schedule looks like for the coming school year and figure out how to fit all of our other activities and appointments in to it as well, I am slowly realizing that this may not be the nirvana that I had envisioned.

I try very hard not to over-schedule our lives. I don't believe in having the kids in so many activities that they don't have time to just PLAY and be with me, with Natural Urban Dad and with each other.

But it is getting harder and harder to do this. Lil' C is a very active 4 and a half year old and he NEEDS more physical activity than I can realistically give him. He is starting Gymnastics in a few weeks and will likely continuing with his awesome Hip Hop class (he is kind of a natural).

Princess L is the musical one amongst us (she makes up little songs all the time, mostly to the tune of 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) and totally thrives in this kind of environment. So more music classes for her and likely gymnastics too since we will be at the gym already for her brother's class.

And then there is swimming, and Sportball and art classes and martial arts and...and... and....

...and it is enough to drive a Mama batty!

And I have not even tried to fit in the things that I want and need to do for me yet! I have a feeling that I will be living and breathing solely based on whatever iPhone App I decide is the best one to use for scheduling our lives (I am SO open to your suggestions please)!

So, if you will excuse me, I have to get back to figuring out this schedule and see if I can at least fit in a shower for me a couple of times a week!!


How are you managing your 'back to school' and back to activities scheduling? Please Share!! 


Summer Blog Challenge posts for August 23, 2011