2011 Summer Blog Challenge
THIS is what happens when you spend 2 days with 2 fellow bloggers on a hill listening to {AMAZING} folk music.
The "hill" in question, aka, The Edmonton Folk Music Festival
You get suckered into another crazy daily blogging challenge!!
Okay, well, I guess I could have said NO, but meh...
So here I go again and aren't you the lucky ones!!
Thirty-One (yup, 3-1) days of blog posts from MOI and from a whole host of other bloggers from ALL walks of life, most of whom I do not know. (see list below)
There are no specific topics and no set deadlines, except for posting before midnight every day.
I have a feeling that my posts will be all over the place for the next month, but that is a good thing. There is a lot going on with me and around me so I am not really worried about providing you with some decent reading material for the rest of the summer!
There are lots of updates about the Natural Urban Home and it's progress coming up, a whole slew of 'what we are doing this summer' posts and of course more about Babywearing and the happenings at Natural Urban Mamas and well....anything else that strikes my fancy and deserves my insightful and witty commentary (snicker)!
And yes, I know that this is kind of a lame first post, but I at least had to let you know what is going on right??
And if you haven't already heard!! Natural Urban Mamas had a big announcement tonight and is now the Exclusive Canadian Retailer of an amazing baby carrier, the awesome Cosy Baby Happy Mommy 3rd Generation Mei Tai!!
So that is that. Day One is done. Come along for the next 30, have a great summer and enjoy the bloggy ride!!
Please check out the other posts and bloggers participating in the 2011 Summer Blog Challenge too!
And wish me luck!!
The other suckers....fabulous bloggers are......
Zita of Ignite Strategic Solutions Cliff of Peer Pressure Works Tammy of Tam I Am Peter of Crazy Wookie Cookies Shaun of Expedition of Truths Chad of The Daily Grind Vlad of Analog Coast Robb of Blogging Life Kim of Nature Baby Bloggings Liam of ln The Now Earl of My Name is Earl (J. Woods) Brad of Kick Me Out Soon