

writer :: feminist :: mother

DAY 30!!

Wow, I have actually done it! I have written and posted 30 blog posts (both here and on Mom Nation) in the last 30 days. I know I would not have done it had I not been Triple-Dog Dared by the ever-fabulous Jennifer Banks. And I can't thank her enough for the 'push'!

Moving my blog from Blogger to Wordpress was a big deal for me and this 30 day challenge was the perfect way for me to really immerse myself into Wordpress and really figure out all the ins and outs and cool things that can be done with their great open source blogging service. If you are thinking of making the move, I can only say one thing. GO FOR IT! It is a learning curve, but one that you will master in no time and is so worth it!

And as of today (and thank you VERY, VERY MUCH everyone) my little blog has had just over 6000 all-time views. Not bad for five weeks right? I really hope that you will all stick around for a while and keep reading and visiting!

Blogging and writing is not something that I ever thought I was any good at and what I am finding out is that I am actually not that bad at it and I am truly enjoying this form of expressing myself! I have to let you all know that all your comments, here, on Facebook and on Twitter have all been read and I do so appreciate your encouragement and I am humbled by your compliments!

I thought it would be fun to share with you some of the search terms that have directed people to my blog. Some of these have given me quite a laugh! Some make total sense and some are just kind of well....wierd!

Here they are:

  • natasha breastfeeding (Okay, I really hope this was a mommy!)
  • woven wrap canada (This one makes me happy and I hope they found what they were looking for!)
  • hemorrhoids and babywearing (Not a problem I have had or something I think is a big BWing issue.)
  • hebammenzeitschrift 2010 pdf (I have NO idea what this means??)
  • hot milf pictures (Yeah baby, that's right!!)
  • and my all time favourite one....

Regardless of how people are finding my blog, I am so glad that they are and I hope that those of you who are reading on a regular basis will subscribe via email so that you never miss a post. (See that nice little button up in the right hand corner? CLICK IT!)

I am going to write one more post this weekend and then will be taking a week off from blogging. I think I deserve it and I promise to be back regularly after that.

Thank you again for reading and sharing.

