

writer :: feminist :: mother

Happy New Year Everyone!

So, it's a new year, a new decade and yes, I am a year older (my birthday is January 1st).  I am not sure how I feel yet about being two years away from 40, but so far it is OK.  I mean, really, isn't 40 the new 20??  Or is that just in Hollywood? I have not made resolutions this year. I would call them more like life commitments.  I started doing Bikram (hot) yoga a few months ago and have fallen madly, deeply in love with it!  I have rheumatoid arthritis and had always assumed that I could not do yoga because of my joint limitations.  Well, thanks to a friend who dragged me to a class, I am a complete convert.  And the heat (it's between 95-105 degrees Farenheit) and 50% humidity just help to loosen up all my joints.  I wish I had started doing this years ago!

Life commitment #1 - Bikram Yoga at least 2 and hopefully 3 times a week.

Now onto number 2.  And this one involves baby #2 as well.  I am sure a lot of you feel like this, that baby #2 just does not get the same level of well, pretty much everything that baby #1 did.  I have been feeling like this lately with DD.  With my son, I did so many mommy and me activities his first 2 years and he had quite a few friends all the same age as him. With my daughter, I feel like she is not getting the same level of exposure to these kinds of activities or to kids that are her age, and so I am going to change that.  We started our library 'Fun for Ones' program today and we start swimming lessons for both kids in February.  Our local community league also has a Tot time weekly and we are going to start attending this to--hopefully we can all make some new friends!

Life Commitment #2 - Increase the amount of activities geared towards my daughter and find some new friends for both of us!

I am finding that as I am getting older, I don't want the next best thing as much as I used to.  I want to simplify my life, reduce my eco-footprint as much as I can and just find joy and peace in the simple things.  I find that I am purging drawers, closets, storage rooms, toys, etc... constantly these days.  We really just have too much 'stuff', which I am sure is the case for a lot of people.  And in doing all of this, I hope to teach my kids a lesson about giving as well.  Most of what is purged in our house goes to Goodwill or our local women's shelter.

Life Commitment #3 - Reduce the amount of excess 'stuff' in our house and our lives, re-use what we can and/or give to someone else to re-use and rejoice in the simple joys that everyday can bring.

I am sure that I will continue to add to this list, but I think it is a good start so far.  I hope that everyone else has a chance to make their own life commitments and that each and every day is a good one (even for a few minutes)!

Cheers all, Natasha~