Natasha Chiam

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Getting my groove back...

After almost two weeks of being blacklisted by the Googles, and not being able to post anything, I made a decision to switch hosting companies. Good-bye old host, hello BlueHost! Everything seems to be running smoothly and again I have to give props and a big THANK YOU to the awesome Karen Parker, @jkparker for those of you on the TweetyBox, for helping me get everything moved over smoothly and without any major blips throughout the process. Now, I have to regain the love and confidence of the Google gods and of you my dear readers!

So this is a short post to let you know that I just got back yesterday from my first time ever on Vancouver Island. I have downloaded the almost 700 pictures from our trip and will write my "what I did on my summer vacation" post very, very soon! Seriously, I am pretty sure Travel BC is gonna love me for this one!

And along with that post will be at least 30 more...

Yes, you heard me.

I am doing it again.

A Thirty {One} Day Summer Blog Challenge.

I am going to start on August 1st and post once a day until the end of the month (yes, I know that part should be pretty self-explanatory).

Now... if any of my blogging buddies want in on the action, we can make this an official challenge and link up all our posts. You just let me know if you are in and we'll figure out the rest from there.

(And PS everyone, let's not tell Natural Urban Dad about this just yet OK? For some reason he gets all antsy when I do these challenges.)

I leave you tonight with a little teaser from our holidays...

...while I go off to catch up on some So You Think You Can Dance and True Blood.

And make a list of blog post topics. OY!

{Suggestions will be accepted and are MUCH appreciated!}

Ciao bellas and bambinos,
