Natasha Chiam

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A few things I am trying this month...

Ok, I lied. I do have one goal for the next few months. I really want to get to my goal weight.

I know, not very original right. But I have given myself some incentive...

Once I have reached that elusive 135 pounds, I am going to reward myself with something big and beautiful.

I want a new tattoo!!

To help me get there I am giving up a few of my favourite things...

No more milk, cheese or wheat products for this girl.

This is hard for me to do, because I LOVE cheese!! (And already today, I had to spit a piece of Little C's cheese string out because I popped it in my mouth without even thinking.)

I am going with a 6 small meals a day routine, and drinking LOTS of water. And whoever comes up with the App that reminds me to drink a cup of water every half-hour to hour will be my hero!!

Wish me luck!



As I was scrolling through Instagram pics today, I came across this.


So I am going to give it a go. I really do love taking pics with my iPhone and have become somewhat of an Instagram addict. The ever fabulous Schmutzie calls it Phoneography and she has made it an art form! I hope to be as talented at it as she is one day (and perhaps even a fraction as cool as her)!

Since I started a day late, you get two photos today.

1. Me!

Self portrait while sitting in car with 2 sleeping kids.


2. Breakfast. Since I am working on trying to eat 6 small meals a day, this is technically meal #2.

Visalus protein shake with mango and water.


Won't you join me in this fun little challenge?

You can post on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, your own blog, whatever you want. Read all the details here on Fat Mum Slim's site and remember to use the #JANphotoaday hashtag if you are posting too Twitter.

Until tomorrow my lovelies!
