Natasha Chiam

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Natasha's Pick of the Week: My favourite Blogs/Bloggers

I am just over a week and a half into my 30 days of posts. It is proving to be both very fun and also quite a challenge.  It takes some serious thought and organization to get all this brilliant writing out to you people! (This is me saying, please subscribe and leave comments so I know all of this is not in vain!!) Seeing as it is Monday, that means you get my pick of the week today.

Today's picks are fellow fabulous bloggers that I have discovered over the past few months and weeks. There are literally thousands and thousands of blogs out here in the world-wide web, but I thought I would narrow it down for you and let you know about a few that I really enjoy reading. Some really make me think, others make me laugh until I cry, others just plain make me cry and still others educate me on a daily basis.

Here they are in no particular order:

1. Attack of the Redneck Mommy. Tanis is AWESOME! And has lived, lost and loved a whole heck of a lot in her years. Her blog is funny, heart-wrenching and so, so REAL. And she is kind of a hero of mine. She also just colored her hair, so go on over to her blog and tell her she is gorgeous!!

2. Tech Mommy. Local gal Jennifer Banks (@JenBanksYEG on the tweeter) writes her own fab tech blog and also writes for MomNation. Her posts always have me heading to iTunes to get the latest and greatest new apps to make my life easier and she writes with some serious passion and honesty people!

3. Enjoying the Small Things.  I can't remember when I first stumbled upon Kelly's blog, but she had me hooked from the first picture! She is a brilliant photographer and a very amazing mother. Read this first once you head over there and you will understand why.

4. The Leaky Boob. You all know I am a breastfeeding Mama and a big advocate for more breastfeeding education and resources for all mothers, so this one should not come as a big surprise. Sometimes controversial, always thought-provoking and taking on the Zuckerberg's of the world and having her Facebook page removed and reinstated not once, but twice, Jessica, AKA the boob behind TLB, is an inspiration, a mama-force to be reckoned with and someone I am so, so happy to have 'in my corner'.

5. MOMeo Magazine. Are you a work-at/from-home-mom? Do you struggle to figure it all out some days? If you answered yes to these questions, then you need to follow MOMeo, both via the website and @CarlaYoung on Twitter for all the latest tips, tricks, and business advice that really makes sense for the WAHM/Mompreneur/Small Biz Woman!

6. Five Things at Once. I just started following this Daddy Blogger a few weeks ago and already I really, really like him. Reasons for this are: He is a stay-at-home-dad, he has the cutest kid ever, his blog has a Glossary tab that is bloody hilarious and he is one damn good writer!

There are plenty of other fabulous blogs that I read (or try to read and keep up with-my Google Reader list is a bit ridiculous right now)! I encourage you to reach out and find a few that truly speak to you and subscribe to them. (One of them is mine, right?)

Now, go....get reading!
